‘Images layed in stacks’ (i) Images  (ii) Installations (iii) Events, ٩(^◡^)۶ 

Dio, in the face of god


45 Ikea Kallax seating cubes in oak effect are placed in the middle of the room,
7 of them are fully constructed and placed as quasi table cubes, the rest of the chairs are installed as quasi stools with one piece of wood missing,
The left over wood pieces are placed in a stack not immediately visible,
A LED video wall is placed in-front of a white wall allowing for a person to go behind,
The back of the LED wall is fully visible, including all tools, cables and stuff used for installing the LED wall,
Three FFP2 masks are placed behind the screen and the floor mimicking lost items,
Two of the four speakers are placed behind the screen pointed at the room, both speakers shall have a printed sign tapped to the stand saying: ‘URGENT: Please hide infrastructure for public’ taped to them,
The speakers are placed on speaker stands,
A wall sticker in black is placed stating “dieinternet.org” in the font ,
The LED screen is playing a morph loop of all the images from the Ikea socialism comrade series,
The musical score of Dio, in the face of god, is being played on four speakers,
The artist publication, is printed in an edition of 300 and displayed on the quasi tables, in sets of threes,
The daily limit of exhibited publications in the installation is equal to 300 divided by the sum of total exhibitions days,
Visitors can take the publications with them,
A label with the digital version of the publication is sticked to all the quasi tables, with a QR code linking to a PDF file,
The video and audio is looped during the opening hours,